User Application Rights

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The Corridor functions available to you are dependent on your application rights. If you have a role of Administrator, Manager, or Invoice Submitter, you can submit invoices and view the status of invoices. If you are a Read Only user, you can only view the status of an invoice if you know the invoice number. Your user login and application rights are listed in the upper-right corner of the Corridor home page if you are unsure of your role.

Application Rights

All users will be required to change their password the first time they log into Corridor. The password must be at least six characters long and can consist of alphabetic letters and numbers only.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  If your account expires, you will be prompted to change your password the next time you login to Corridor. If your account is inactivated, you will not be able to login to Corridor (see Resetting Your Password).