Add Timekeepers Page

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Timekeepers can be added manually to Corridor to be submitted for approval to individual eCounsel client companies.


Vendor Tax ID – A read-only field with the vendor's tax identifier.

Vendor Name – A read-only field with the vendor's name.

Vendor ID – The identifier for the vendor from the client company.

Client ID – Select the client for which this timekeeper will be submitted.

Timekeeper ID – An identifier that is unique for the client/vendor combination.

Job Classification – The type of job done by the timekeeper.

First Name – The given name of the timekeeper.

Middle Name – The middle name of the timekeeper.

Last Name – The surname of the timekeeper.

Suffix – Any additional information (such as Jr.) for addressing the timekeeper.

Title – The job title of the timekeeper.

Salutation – Any additional information (such as Jr.) for addressing the timekeeper.

Primary Phone – The telephone number that is the primary phone number for the timekeeper.

Mobile Phone – The mobile telephone number for the timekeeper.

Fax –  The facsimile telephone number for the timekeeper.

Email Address – The primary email address for the timekeeper.

Ethnicity – An indication of the timekeeper's genetic heritage.

Gender – The gender (Male, Female, or Unspecified) of the timekeeper.

Rate – The monetary amount billed by the timekeeper.

Billing Method – The manner in which the timekeeper will bill for the matter.

Currency – The type (such as US Dollars) of currency at which the invoice is billed.

Begin Date – The date on which billing on a matter can begin for the timekeeper.

End Date – The date on which billing on a matter will cease for the timekeeper.


Save – Click to save the record and return to the Home page.

Save/New – Click to save the record and remain on the Add Timekeepers page.

Cancel – Click to cancel the entry and return to the home page.