Manually Creating an Invoice

Related Topics                                                            Introduction

When manually creating an invoice to be submitted using Corridor, each invoice can only pertain to a single matter. If multiple matters are needed, you must create multiple invoices.

To Create an Invoice:

  1. Login to the Corridor Website. Administrators, managers, and invoice submitters can submit invoices.

  2. Click on the client company on your home page.

  3. On the Invoices: Electronic Submission page, click the Manual Submission link and select Create New.

  1. On the Invoices: Manual Submission page, select the identifier for the client from the Client ID menu.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  If a client ID is not available, an Administrator or Manager can add the client ID to Corridor. To add a client ID, click on the View Client IDs link on the title bar on the Invoices: Manual Submission page. If you are an Invoice Submitter, contact an Administrator or Manager to add the client ID.

  1. Enter the following information:

To Create Line Items:

  1. In the Invoice Details area, click the New button to enter line item information for the invoice. At least one line item must exist in order to submit the invoice.

  2. On the Manual Submission: Invoice Detail page, enter information for the line item. The fields will vary on the page depending on whether the type is a fee, expense, or invoice-level discount.

Fee Invoice Detail

Expense Invoice Detail

Invoice-level Discount Invoice Detail

  1. If the client company has enabled tax support, a Tax Amount field appears on the page. If applicable, you must manually apply the tax rate to the base amount of the line item and enter this amount in the Tax Amount text box.

  2. Click Save or click Save/New to enter another line item. Click Close when you have entered all line items. Click Yes to close the window.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  If a required field is not entered, Corridor will prompt you to enter the information before you can save the line item.

To Submit a Manually Created Invoice:

  1. On the Invoices: Manual Submission page, click Continue.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  If a required field is not entered, Corridor will prompt you to enter the information before you can continue.

  1. Click OK on the message box that informs you that it is recommended you save a copy of the invoice to your local disk drive. In order to correct a manually entered invoice in the event of a business rule rejection, you must save a copy of the invoice and use the steps in Correcting a Manually Entered Invoice to resubmit the invoice.

  1. Select the location to which you want to save the file, then click Save.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  Corridor uses the following naming convention for all saved invoice files: Corr<Invoice_Number>YYYYMMDDHHMM.XML, where <Invoice_Number> is the text entered in the Invoice Number field, YYYY is the four-digit year, MM is the two-digit month, DD is the day, and HHMM is the time the file was created using a 24-hour clock (military time). Even if a file is renamed during the save process, Corridor will refer to the file using the internal naming convention above (on the Invoice: Status page).

  1. Additional validations are performed that do not prevent the invoice file from being submitted (however, submitting with these errors may cause the invoice(s) to be rejected according to the client company's billing guidelines):

Optionally check the Ignore validation errors checkbox to submit the file with any of the additional error validations found.

  1. If the client company has configured the matter management application to accept attachments to invoices, add attachment(s), such as receipts, to the file by invoice on the Invoices: Manual Submission page. Click Attach next to the invoice and browse to the attachment. Attachments are allowed a maximum total size of 20 MB per submission. To remove an attachment before submission, click Remove next to the attachment name.

  1. Click the Submit LEDES File button.