Viewing the Status of an Invoice

Related Topics                                        Introduction

Follow the steps outlined below to view the status of your invoices. Invoice submitters also will receive e-mail notifications from Corridor of any changes to the statuses of invoices that they submitted.

To View the Status of an Invoice:

  1. Select the client company from your home page to open the Invoices: Electronic Submission page.

  2. Click on the Invoice Status link in the upper-right corner of the title bar. The Invoices: Status page displays.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  For a Read Only user, selecting a client company from the home page will open the Invoices: Status page automatically. The list of invoices will be blank, and an invoice number must be entered to display the invoice status.

For an Administrator or Manager, the Invoices: Status page contains a list of all invoices submitted by the firm. For an Invoice Submitter, the Invoices: Status page contains a list of all invoices he/she submitted.