Using BusinessObjects with LawManager

LawManager includes an interface to BusinessObjects, a third-party report writer.  This reporting functionality supplements the Reports Wizard, LawManager's built-in ad-hoc reporting tool.

How this helps you on the job:

The interface to Business Objects enables easy access to more formal reports, and creation of large, complex report documents, which can be modified easily.

Accessing Business Objects Report Documents

With LawManager Web, the Reports menu has three options as seen below:


Selecting the Business Objects menu command launches Microsoft Internet Explorer and opens the BusinessObjects reporting interface, as seen below.  

Note:  Your Administrator can make this option invisible to specific LawManager users and user groups.


Login with a system name, user name, and password, or log in with a Microsoft Windows NT trusted login. The Business Objects InfoView page will open as seen below:


Above you'll see a series of Public Folders, each containing a list of reports seen to the right.  Above you see that the base product contains three general base reports, "Open Matters by Office and Type," "Spending by Matter Type and Subtype," and "Total Spending by Cost Center by Matter."

Accessing Base Reports


You see above there are 62 bankruptcy matters. On the right side of this report, you would see grand totals for each office as well.



In addition to viewing the base reports, you will be able to build new reports to run from the various Public Folders found on the BusinessObjects InfoView.