Westlaw Tab

The Entities notebooks have a Westlaw tab that links to various Westlaw person and company databases.  To access this feature, your Law Manager Administrator will need to set up a Westlaw password for you.  Below is an illustration of the contents of the Westlaw tab:


There are two fields in this tab. The Westlaw Database field contains the name of a Westlaw database to search, and the Description field contains a description of the Westlaw database. The View button to the left of these fields enables you to launch into the database to find information about the person or company entity.

A Westlaw tab should list the databases below depending on whether the entity is a person or company.  If the entity is a company, the tab should contain the following Westlaw databases:

Westlaw Database


All News

This service includes company news from Dow Jones Interactive.

All News Plus

This service includes company news from Dow Jones Interactive and additional news wires.

Business Finder

The BUSFIND-US database contains comprehensive compilation of business records for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

Company Profile

Company Profiles (CO-PROFILE) provide a convenient overview of a company and its operations. Company Records Scanner - CO-RECSCAN accesses comprehensive compilation of business records for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

Corporate Records

The CORP-ALL database contains state Corporate, Limited Partnership, Partnership and Reserved Name records from 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

If the entity is a person, the tab should contain the following Westlaw databases:

Westlaw Database



PeopleCite is the first and only resource of this kind in the legal industry to connect primary and secondary traditional legal research materials to West Legal Directory people data.

People Find

PEOPLE-FIND contains over 345 million documents providing information on over 220 million individuals and 175 million Social Security Numbers.

Person Profile

P-PROFILE accesses information on 175 million names associated with Social Security Numbers.

Real Property Assessor’s Records

The RPA-ALL database contains over 90 million records derived from real property records maintained by local tax assessors and taxing agencies for selected counties/townships.

Real Property Asset Transfers

The RPT-ALL database contains over 188 million records from selected counties within 37 states.

Below are instructions for using the Westlaw tab:

  1. Launch the Entities notebook.

The Entities notebook will open in Find Mode.

  1. Find an entity record.

You can choose a person or company entity.

  1. Click the Westlaw tab.

The Tab will automatically display the appropriate Westlaw databases.

  1. Click the View button for any Westlaw database record in the tab.

You should be logged into Westlaw automatically and find relevant information about the person or company entity.