For clients who have enabled the functionality for vendors/law firms to submit timekeepers for approval via Corridor, you can either enter the timekeepers individually, or upload them from the timekeeper CSV (Comma-separated value) file. Once the timekeepers are entered via either of these methods, you can select to submit them to the client company. At any point in the future, you can access any timekeeper record previously submitted, verify if the submitted timekeeper was approved by the clients, and make changes to that record and re-submit to the client.
Any warnings will be indicated on the page after upload, but the timekeeper information can be inserted in Corridor by clicking Submit Timekeepers. The following are examples of warnings:
Timekeeper with same last/first name exists in the database – A potential duplicate entry has been identified with a timekeeper that already exists for this vendor/client.
There are multiple timekeepers with the same last/first name – The upload CSV file contains multiple timekeepers that are potential duplicates.
The following errors must be corrected prior to submitting the timekeeper:
Field is required – A required field is missing a value.
Field max length is [max length] – The value for the field has more characters than allowed for that field.
Invalid date format MM/dd/yyyy – The date format used is not valid for Corridor.
Field is invalid number – For the Rate field only, the rate is invalid.
Vendor field in spreadsheet does not match current vendor – The vendor information is not correct.
End date must be after begin date – The timekeeper end date is prior to the begin date.
Can't upload more than 500 records at the time – Only 500 records in the CSV file can be uploaded at one time. Divide any files into 500 or less records per file.
Client id is null or empty – The Client identifier is missing.
Header is malformed, please review your file – The header information for the CSV file is not recognized.
Remove duplicate Timekeeper Id: [TKID] – The Timekeeper ID is repeated in the CSV file.
To Upload Timekeepers from a CSV File:
On the Corridor home page, click on the Upload Timekeepers link.
On the Upload Timekeepers page, select a client if your law firm submits to multiple eCounsel clients.
Click Choose File and select the CSV file with the timekeeper information.
On the Upload Timekeepers page, review any warnings prior to submitting the information.
a timekeeper record has a warning (highlighted in orange), you must resolve
the issue with the record in the CSV file prior to creating the timekeepers,
or the timekeeper record will not be created.
Click Create Timekeepers. Any timekeeper information with errors will not be uploaded, and Corridor will report the specific errors.