The Related Complaints tab allows you to view the complaint intakes related to the investigation record selected in the main section of the notebook. This tab is read-only. The Related Complaints tab is accessed by clicking on the tab in the binder section of the Investigations notebook. The Related Complaints tab displays in tabular view as described below.
Field |
Description |
Complaint # |
The complaint number related to the investigation displayed in the main section of the notebook. |
Complaint Name |
A name describing the complaint. |
Description |
A narrative description of the complaint. Select the Notepad icon to make a brief entry. |
Type |
The complaint type. If entering data, select a complaint type from the dropdown list. |
Status |
The status of a complaint (e.g., new, assigned, etc.). |
Date Filed |
The date that a complaint was filed. |
Note: LawManager tab records include fields containing audit and security information. For a detailed explanation of these fields, see Viewing Audit Fields and Security Information.