Adding Tab Data

Most of the LawManager notebooks contain a main (or header) section and a tab (or binder) section. The header contains the basic information about the record and the tabs contain additional, supplemental information. You can add tab data when the header record is created or you can add it at a later time. Both methods are described below.

To add tab data when the header record is added:

  1. Access the applicable notebook.

  2. Add and save the header information. LawManager will re-display the newly entered record with all available tabs displayed below the header data as illustrated below.

  1. Select the applicable tab.


  1. Click icn_new.jpg on the tab toolbar. LawManager will display the related data entry screen as illustrated below.


  1. Enter the requested information.


  1. Click icn_save.jpg or press Alt-S to save the data.


        To add tab data to an existing header record:

        1. Access the applicable notebook.

        2. Search for the specific record to which you want to add tab data (See Finding Information for a description of available search techniques.)

        3. Select the record you want to update by clicking icn_edit.jpg to display the detail record that provides access to the available tabs.

        4. Select the applicable tab.

        5. Click icn_new.jpg. LawManager will display the related data entry screen as illustrated below.


        1. Enter the requested information.


        1. Click icn_save.jpg or press Alt-S to save the data.