Cost Centers

The Cost Centers tab is used to record the cost center(s) to which a matter should be charged. You can split a matter across multiple cost centers. This information is used to automatically allocate an invoice to the Invoice notebook. Key features include:

The Cost Centers tab is accessed by clicking on the tab in the binder section of the following notebooks: Matters, Litigation, Contracts, Investigation, Matter Financials.  If you have questions about entering or modifying tab data, refer to Adding Tab Data, Updating Tab Data, or Deleting Tab Data.

The Cost Centers tab displays in tabular view as described below.

Cost Center Tab Field Definitions




Required (Y/N)

Cost Center

The cost center associated with the matter. When adding or updating a record, select a value from a dropdown list.  



The percentage of the budget associated with the cost center. When adding or updating a record, enter a number excluding a decimal point.


Org Level 1 - 4

The levels of the organization associated with the cost center.


Start Date

The date that the cost center was added to the case. Press the SPACEBAR to automatically enter the current date.


End Date

The date that the cost center was removed from to the case. Press the SPACEBAR to automatically enter the current date.


Note: LawManager tab records include fields containing audit and security information. For a detailed explanation of these fields, see Viewing Audit Fields and Security Information.