Related Entities

The Related Entities tab displays related entities and relation types. For example, the related entity could be a specific individual or company, and the relation type could be that of client, partner, associate, supervisor, and so on. An inverse relationship is automatically created. You can add unlimited related entities per entity. The Related Entities tab also allows you to open another Entities notebook for any of the related entities to edit information.

The Related Entities tab is accessed by clicking on the tab in the binder section of the following notebook(s): Entities, Vendors, Corporate Secretary. If you have questions about entering or modifying tab data, refer to Adding Tab Data, Updating Tab Data, or Deleting Tab Data. The Related Entities tab displays in tabular view as described below.

Related Entities Tab Field Definitions




Required (Y/N)


The name of the related entity. When adding or updating a record, you can:

  • Select the related entity from the dropdown list.

  • Click the icn_select.jpg icon to open a list of all entities in a new window. Copy the full name of the entity and paste it in this field.

  • Select the New link, add a new record for the related entity and then copy and paste the entity name in this field.


Relation Type

Indicates the relationship of this entity to the entity defined in the current record. When adding or updating this field, select a value from the dropdown list.


Start Date

The date that the relationship with the entity began. If adding or updating a record, pressing the SPACEBAR will insert today's date.


End Date

The date that the relationship with the entity ended. If adding or updating a record, pressing the SPACEBAR will insert today's date.



A field for entering comments about the related matter. Enter or view the contents of a note without scrolling by clicking icn_pencil.jpg to display the Memo dialog box. Any modifications in the Memo dialog box are immediately transferred to the note.


Note: LawManager tab records include fields containing audit and security information. For a detailed explanation of these fields, see Viewing Audit Fields and Security Information.